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Vacancies in the USA & Canada

NonStop Development & Production Support Consultants - California

 8-10 years development and production support experience on HP Tandem Nonstop systems

Strong knowledge of following skills on HP Tandem Nonstop platform:


* COBOL85 with Enscribe and Nonstop SQL/MP

* SQLCI and SQL Report writer

* ITP Webserver, CGI, C/C++, Java Servlets

* PATHWAY setup/maintenance

* TMF for transaction monitoring

* TACL job scripts

* Batch jobs scheduling using Netbatch and calendar setup & maintenance

* Online transaction processing concepts and techniques

HP Tandem Nonstop Platform and Environment

* Guardian operating system

* OSS (UNIX) operating systems including Shell scripting


Other Tandem tools and utilities:


* MEASURE, VIEWPT, Prognosis for Performance monitoring

* NDM (ConnectDirect) and FTP for Data file Transfer

* MQ Series for message exchange

* CONTROL, RMS for Source Version control


Experience with the following:

* Test environments such as DEV, SIT, UAT, PROD and Disaster recovery failover

* Supporting critical production system with ability to work with infrastructure, Tandem systems and development teams for troubleshooting production failures and issues


Send resumes with references to ashok_tstech@tandemworld.net

No phone calls; only those with NonStop Hardware experience need apply; must be US resident.


OpenVMS MQ-Series Specialist

We require a specialist with a solid understanding of MQ-Series and OpenVMS to facilitate a training course for this client based in the USA. You should have excellent experience of MQ-Series and its use on OpenVMS platforms. You should be capable of designing a course to deliver to OpenVMS Systems Administrators and Developers. The course will be deliver over 3 days.

Please respond to info@tandemworld.net


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Tel: +44 (0)20 8304 7979, or email:info@tandemworld.net