Tandemworld eNewsletter for July 2013

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Tandemworld eNewsletter for July 2013


Protect/Test Repeat

WebSphere MQ Series and its NonStop Implementation

NuWave Makes it Easier to Connect

comForte Product Update

XYPRO NonStop Security Fundamentals Top 10 List - #10

comForte near you in 2013

Does My NonStop Database Need Maintenance

Gravic Publishes New Case Study: Shadowbase ZDM Archives Zero Downtime Migration for Large Bank Datacenter

Musings on NonStop! - July, ‘13

Does My NonStop Database Need Maintenance

comForte: Reliable Communication - A Critical Success Factor

Join XYPRO at these NonStop & Security events this fall

High Performance Switching and Secure Data Storage

Change Managment and Control with CSP

Red - Green or Deep Dive

NonStop Technical Boot Camp


 Availability Digest

Online Version

Current Subscribers 14213

Protect/Test Repeat

Over my many years of experience in the Disaster Prevention business I have worked with hundreds companies. I have analyzed many strategies, all of them beginning with the absolute requirement to protect critical business data. Loss of data leads to lost customers, and ultimately a failed business.

I have to wonder, when a business loses its data, what is the likelihood that the business survives? There must be some hard facts out there I can share with you. I read quotes that say 80% of businesses fail in the year after a disaster. Is this really true, or is this just marketing fluff designed to scare up new customers? This is my area of expertise. I have worked closely with many companies around the world. Surely I should be able to give you some hard references you can trust.

I’ve looked across the hundreds of customers NTI has around the world, searching for cases where our customers have had a failure and have recovered. Yes, our customers have had datacenter failures, and yes they have recovered successfully. The problem is I can’t find any public cases I can tell you about.  Our customers are not interested in discussing their challenges. Their infrastructures are proprietary and we are under confidential agreements to not discuss customer business.

So, once again I have to fall back on generalized stories and ask you to trust what I am telling you.

·       Two years ago a customer had a major flood, and recovered.

·       Last year a customer was a block away from a bomb, and recovered.

·       This weekend a customer experienced an earthquake, and recovered.

It seems like every year one of our customers experiences a natural disaster, and recovers with zero business loss. How do they do it? By following our simple mantra:


·       Protect your data. Replicate it sub-second to a faraway place.

·       Test your applications and data on the backup platforms. Make sure it all works.

·       Repeat often to make sure it all still works.

But if you implement an expensive DR solution (Hardware, software, backup facilities, staffing, etc.) is it worth it for the statistically insignificant chance that you may have a disaster? That depends on how much you value your business and if your management believes in the realities of failure post disaster. Yes disaster recovery can be expensive, but not as expensive as the disaster without the recovery.

Here are two statistics I can share with you:

1.     Less than 1% of our customers have experienced a natural disaster, and all have successfully recovered.

2.     More than 84% of our customers use their DR facilities to implement new software upgrades. They reroute business, upgrade the production platforms, and then switch traffic back. This gives them an opportunity to continually test their DR infrastructure while letting their IT staff perform upgrades during a normal business day. DRNet® enables true zero downtime upgrades.

DRNet® is world class NonStop Data Replication technology.

·       Real-time Active/Active Data Replication

·       Real-time Tandem to OPEN Data Replication

·       Real-time File Synchronization

·       Refreshingly Real-Time Support from Real Engineers


+1 (402) 968 3674



WebSphere MQ Series and its NonStop Implementation

It is easy to find generic WebSphere MQ Series resource, but resources that know how MQ Series is implemented on the NonStop platform is a different matter. BrightStrand has these skilled, specialist consultants and can deliver training and consultancy.

Course Overview

This course, in-depth training for HP NonStop System Administrators, is delivered by BrightStrand specialists. On successful completion of this course System Administrators will be able to understand the installation and configuration of the WebSphere MQ V5.3 (WMQ) environment. The training is designed to give System Administrators basic knowledge about WebSphere MQ Series daily operation and error handling. The course consists of lectures and labs to better understand and practice the WebSphere MQ Series environment.

This course can be tailored to particular customer requirements and conducted on customer premises.

WebSphere MQ Series Consultancy

BrightStrand delivers WebSphere MQ Consultancy through its experienced, specialised consultants who harness their NonStop skills with knowledge of the WebSphere MQ Series software and its implementation in the NonStop environment. The same people deliver the training so that customers can be assured that the presenter is talking from experience in the field.

For further details of WebSphere MQ Series Training and Consultancy please contact Dave Stewart today on +44 (0)7831 775115 or email him on dstewart@brightstrand.com.


NuWave Makes it Easier to Connect

In its efforts to continuously offer the best, most innovative connectivity products for NonStop, NuWave Technologies will soon be introducing a new product. The release of Lightship in the upcoming months will provide support for RESTful access to NonStop Server resources such as Pathway and standalone servers, Enscribe files, and TMF. Those using NonStop will be pleased to know that with Lightship, it will be even easier to connect to any application on any platform.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact NuWave.


mail to: info@nuwave-tech.com

comForte Product Update


comForte Product Update

MR-Win6530 new release available

In this new release 9.6 of MR-Win6530 which is available now we added significant enhancements to the user interface.

The session window layout can now be switched to Tabbed Document Interface (TDI). In TDI mode the session windows can be grouped vertically or horizontally within the main application window, making it easier to switch between sessions. Furthermore, the Docking Window functionality and Session Tab Control have been enhanced.


Please visit http://comforte.com/mr-win6530/ to learn more.


PANfinder™ – New version available

PANfinder is a comprehensive data discovery software solution. It searches systems for hidden and unmasked/unencrypted payment card data. It provides a method of scanning systems for unprotected PAN data (Primary Account Number). This ensures there are no live PANs residing in unauthorized locations and also provides organizations with a way of proving that all PANs on the systems are being stored in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). We are very pleased to announce the latest version (v 2.51) of PANfinder which includes a number of new features and performance improvements:

1.     Support for Agent Mode. PANfinder can now run in agent mode where it constantly monitors the configured file set for suspect PAN data.

2.     Restartable scans. If a scan is stopped for any reason before it has completed, PANfinder can be recommenced from the point in the file set where the previous scan was interrupted.

3.     Support for EBCDIC format files.

4.     Support for syslog messaging via TCP. Previously PANfinder only supported delivery of syslog format events via UDP transport. It now supports both UDP and TCP.

5.     Ability to scan for a specified PAN.

6.     Minor enhancements to the display of PANfinder events.


For more information please go to http://www.comforte.com/panfinder.


 XYPRO NonStop Security Fundamentals Top 10 List - #10

NonStop Security Fundamentals Top 10 List

Because high-availability and fault-tolerant systems need strong security

Does it make sense to have high-availability and fault-tolerance without strong security?  We at XYPRO don’t think so.  We recognize that companies run their most important business applications and processes on the NonStop server platform and keeping those assets safe from data loss, tampering and inadvertent harm is mission critical. 

XYPRO has been providing NonStop security solutions for over 30 years—we’ve literally written the books on NonStop security—and we’ve assembled an informal “Top 10” list of NonStop security fundamentals.  Over the next couple months, we’ll count down our list of Top 10 NonStop security fundamentals—your discussion, feedback and debate are welcome.  Here’s #10 on our list.

#10: Secure the default system access settings

To facilitate initial configuration and set-up, HP NonStop servers come with a number of default security settings. To have a well-protected NonStop system many of these default settings need to be addressed.

Protect or Delete NULL.NULL.  NonStop servers are shipped with the default userid NULL.NULL (0,0).  NULL.NULL is an out-of-the-box userid that is not password protected and gives non-privileged system access.  With unprotected NULL.NULL, there is a risk that unauthorized users will be able to gain access to the system and explore system settings, users and files and potentially discover and exploit system vulnerabilities. To protect the system, the NULL.NULL userid should be deleted or, if that’s not possible, the risk should be mitigated by renaming the 0,0 userid to something other than “NULL.NULL”, assigning a strong password, and expiring or “freezing” the 0,0 userid so that it can’t be used to logon to the system.

Remove compilers from production systems. Compilers are dangerous because code can be inserted or deleted to circumvent previously implemented controls. Additionally, language compilers might be used to develop test or hacking programs to access sensitive data. To protect applications from inadvertent or malicious changes or outages, compilers and related utilities should be removed or very tightly locked down on secure systems.

Configure Safeguard auditing in order to meet PCI requirements. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an important industry security standard developed to protect sensitive cardholder data and a key requirement for PCI DSS compliance is to “track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data”. Within NonStop, the Safeguard utility on NonStop provides the capability to monitor and audit security-related events. While some Safeguard events are always audited, most need to be configured to enable auditing. Properly configuring Safeguard to audit all PCI DSS-related security events is an important step in setting up a new NonStop system (or in ensuring PCI compliance for an existing system).

Add and configure Safeguard security groups. There are six valid Safeguard security groups but they do not exist on the shipped system and must be added. Using these security groups, specific users can be delegated the authority to execute certain restricted Safeguard commands. Until these groups are created, the restricted commands can be executed by any SUPER group member.

Add and configure Safeguard OBJECTTYPE records. Safeguard uses OBJECTTYPEs to control who can create protection records for a particular type of object or device. Without OBJECTTYPE records, any local member of the SUPER group can add a protection record for an object or device name and thereby gain control of that object or device. To protect objects and reduce possibility of misuse, add all the necessary OBJECTTYPEs and assign these to a non-super group security administrator.

Secure sensitive objects. As shipped, there are several sensitive objects in Guardian that must be protected: TANDUMP, DIVER, USERID, and USERIDAK. Each of these objects has power capabilities within Guardian and should be secured to have SUPER only access.

To follow along with the rest of this blog series on the NonStop Security Fundamentals Top 10 List go to http://blog.xypro.com/?p=389.

More in-depth information and guidance on these security subjects are available in XYPRO’s NonStop security handbooks: HP NonStop Server Security: A Practical Handbook and Securing HP NonStop Servers in an Open Systems World: TCP/IP, OSS and SQL.

You may also contact XYPRO for assistance. For over 30 years, XYPRO has provided NonStop security solutions and services that help companies protect their NonStop systems and comply with industry regulations (such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, and SOX).

comForte near you in 2013

comForte is travelling far and wide to be at an event near you.

Come and join us at these events in 2013:


VNUG, Stockholm, Sweden, Sept 4-5, 2013

EBUG Knowledge Forum, London, UK, Sept 23-24, 2013

GTUG, Frankfurt, Germany, Sept 23-25, 2013

PCI US Community Meeting, Las Vegas, USA, Sept 24-26, 2013

InNUG, Goa, India, Oct 3-5, 2013

PCI EU Community Meeting, Nice, France, Oct 29-31, 2013

CONNECT Advanced Technical Boot Camp 2013, San Jose, USA, Nov 3-5, 2013

PCI AP Community Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov 19-20, 2013

BITUG BIG SIG, London, UK, Dec 5, 2013 

Does My NonStop Database Need Maintenance

The short answer is yes.

When was the last time you went to your local library?  Did you see people working there, cataloging and shelving books?  Where there others dropping off and checking out materials?  How many items do you think your library branch carries?  10,000?  100,000?  More?  Consider the database on your NonStop server and think of how many entries are stored within.  Numbers like 100,000 rows are where much of our data starts and our customers are a lot more aggressive and much more precise than even the most critical librarian.  Your NonStop database dwarves most libraries and as such requires much more detailed attention than any library.

As any library grows, so does the complexity of the items it stores.  If you have a collection of books at home, it is likely that you don’t really need any sort of structure to manage them.  You could put them in a box or a room and be able to find any single item with relative ease simply by searching the entire collection when you need something.  If your collection is any larger, you need a way to find anything.  Libraries do this by assigning each item a number and then organizing the material by that number.  In this way, as the collection changes size, the elements within it continue to be located in relatively the same logical location.  If the number of items increases, the library adds shelves and they insert new items between the existing ones.  When things get checked out, removed or changed, the library staff manually reorganizes the existing material on an ongoing basis.

All NonStop database data is store in structured files possibly distributed across many disks on many systems in many locations.  This allows data access to be fast and efficient.  This data is stored in tables (i.e. libraries) and organized into rows and columns (i.e. shelves) for easy access.

Now consider the manual maintenance that the library staff performs on a daily basis.  Each item coming into or being checked out of the library is a “transaction”.  An item checked out leaves a space and one checked in needs space.  The space is in constant motion and may need to grow or shrink rapidly for larger events like adding a new collection or removing all books that are over a certain age.

Continue reading at


Gravic Publishes New Case Study: Shadowbase ZDM Archives Zero Downtime Migration for Large Bank Datacenter

Gravic recently published its latest case study, Shadowbase ZDM Achieves Zero Downtime Migration for Large Bank Datacenter, available on its website. A large bank operates one of the biggest ATM/POS networks in North America, using the BASE24™ product from ACI, running on HP NonStop servers. If this ATM/POS service went down, much of the region’s retail commerce would come to a halt. At peak times this application services more than 1.5 million ATM/POS transactions per hour. The bank modernized its active/backup datacenter architecture and reengineered it into an active/active network using Shadowbase data replication and integration solutions. The ATM/POS service is geographically distributed between two datacenters, with Shadowbase bi-directional data replication between the two centers. During migration, the bank eliminated application downtime and retained continuous application service availability by temporarily adding a third node into the active/active application network and using a tri-directional data replication configuration.

Interested parties may contact us at +1 610-647-6250 or SBProductManagement@gravic.com to discuss their specific situation and to learn more about the solutions we offer.

Please Visit Gravic at these Upcoming Meetings

Please stop by Gravic’s booth or table at these fall tradeshows and meetings to speak with us about your data replication and data integration needs or just to say hello. We look forward to attending and/or presenting at the following events:

CTUG Fall Conference, Toronto, Canada, 18-19 September


The EBUG Knowledge Forum, London, England, 23-24 September

Connect NonStop Advanced TBC, San Jose, CA, 3-5 November

For more information, please visit: www.gravic.com/shadowbase


Trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

Musings on NonStop!

July, ‘13

The opinions expressed here are solely
those of the now self-employed author

Readers may have been surprised to find familiar statements and opinions in the Musings on NonStop column last month – somehow, I managed to resubmit the previous month’s Musings. However, it was resolved in the electronic version so for those who returned to the Tandemworld.net web site, you would have read the Musings I had intended to provide for the month of June.

I only raise this as one of the themes I touched upon was
the intersection of mission-critical, real time transactional data, typically found on NonStop systems, with the applications and data present on adjacent systems. For some time now, we no longer view NonStop as an island but rather as an integral part of all that transpires inside the data center.

Shortly after HP Discover, I had the pleasure of participating in the sales kick-off event of Integrated Research (IR) – about which you will read a lot more in an upcoming post to the web publication, realtime.ir.com. Check out the site and watch for this post. Prognosis, central to all that IR develops, continues to gain market share and with Prognosis 10 about to hit the marketplace there will be many within the NonStop community who will benefit from its latest capabilities. Again, check out my post shortly for more on the specifics.

However, what did catch my attention was a very short conversation on what to expect from users as Cloud computing develops serious traction. In particular, the high probability that private Clouds will prevail initially, what will an application running on NonStop really look like? If processes are running on NonStop, with some components running on Windows or Linux (all under the management of Pathway, and now possible with Infrasoft’s maRunga product that is available from comForte 21), and enhanced dashboards are provided to ensure such hybrid and composite configurations are monitored, the challenge will come when users try to account for the resources being utilized across the different systems. Perhaps the overall blanket of Enterprise Licenses may become the only option as Cloud dependencies increase.

In an upcoming opinion paper on Cloud computing which I am finalizing with comForte 21, I pulled a quote from
January 11, 2013, report in the web publication, Business Insider. When reviewing what HP has done right of late, the report talked about “All the tools to win the battle for the cloud”. Referencing earlier material published in the January 10, 2013, issue of Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider then noted how “HP has the technology to remain a critical player in the enterprise IT world, particularly when it comes to cloud computing and corporate networks. Although it may have overpaid for Autonomy, between Autonomy and another acquisition, Vertica, it's got some game in the big-data market, too.”

The intersection of NonStop with Clouds is certainly going to have an impact on all of us. But it’s not the only intersection that is going to gain momentum – the more we pursue “marketing to one”, the more we will want to get our hands on every piece of data we can collect. Particularly when it comes to the data source that is the mission-critical, real time transactional data, found on NonStop systems. Otherwise, Big Data may not live up to what’s expected of it - with no intersection to NonStop the data warehouses being the poorer without the information that is contained in the NonStop systems data base.

In a recent post to the Attunity blog by Lawrence Schwartz, VP of Marketing, Attunity,
Getting Horizontal with Vertica, he notes that, “For data warehouses that means efficiently handling many different data sources in near real time. It also means having to quickly load data from heterogeneous data sources and then maintain the changed data continuously and efficiently”. For more, check out the post at:


Attunity’s Schwartz will be leading a “Birds of a Feather” breakfast round table at the upcoming HP Vertica Worldwide User Conference in Boston where the topic will be “Best Practices for Loading Data to HP Vertica”. Again, further evidence of intersection, as Attunity is well known within the NonStop community for its Connect, Federate and Replicate products. Should you be attending this event, make sure you join Schwartz for his breakfast session. Seeing Attunity actively engaged with a different group within HP as is the case with Vertica, and bringing the knowledge of where NonStop users are likely headed;  the intersection between NonStop and Big Data helps keep the spotlight very much focused on NonStop.

The prospect of intersections has been the fodder of writers and filmmakers for decades – there’s always a lot of issues to be resolved and this gives writers and directors a large canvass with which to work. In my discussions this month with important NonStop vendors such as Attunity, comForte and IR, there’s been a lot more consideration of the fallout from increased demands on NonStop solutions to be part of a much bigger enterprise solution. Costs are a factor, as is value. So too is the management of risk and the concerns over security.

However, increasingly we are seeing hardware platforms once again being optimized for specific workloads, with no one system capable of doing everything – the hybrid and composite configurations referenced earlier will soon become the norm for most enterprises. The corresponding demands for cooperation – whether it will be the movement of data, the partitioning of business logic or the very basic need to be able to see all of it unfolding, in real time – will only escalate.

Listening to NonStop middleware and infrastructure vendors openly discussing the challenges that come with such intersections is encouraging and heartwarming – NonStop remains a platform warranting continuing investments. For the NonStop community this is a very positive sign that in and of itself reinforces just how important NonStop systems remain.

And with these closing observations, I will bring this month’s Musings to a close …

Richard Buckle
Founder and CEO
Pyalla Technologies, LLC
Email:             richard@pyalla-technologies.com

Following my blogs? My web publications? My discussion Groups?

Check out (copy and paste to your browser):

Real Time View at http://www.itug-connection.blogspot.com/

…. And check out the Group on LinkedIn, Real Time View

comForte Lounge at http://comfortelounge.blogspot.com/

…. And check out the Group on LinkedIn, comForte Lounge

Realtime.ir at http://realtime.ir.com/

…. And check out the Group on LinkedIn, realtime.ir


buckle-up at http://www.buckle-up-travel.blogspot.com/

…. And check out the SubGroup on LinkedIn, Pyalla Track Days

comForte: Reliable Communication - A Critical Success Factor


Frequent and smooth communication between people is vital for successful relationships, both in our personal and professional lives. To communicate in the business world, we rely not only on phone and email, but also on software applications, which must reliably communicate with each other over an enterprise network. For this network communication, many organizations employ enterprise messaging systems (EMS), which can be very complex to manage. Consequently, intelligent and efficient management of EMS can be a critical success factor for an organization.

To read the full story please go to https://www.comforte.com/Reliable_Communication_a_critical_success_factor


HP NonStop [Tandem] Security Group on LinkedIn - join the discussion.


Stay connected and follow the discussion: 

comForteLounge BlogSpot

comForteLounge LinkedIn Group

comForteLounge Twitter

comForte on YouTube


Join XYPRO at these NonStop & Security events this fall



September 4-5, 2013

Stockholm, Sweden






September 18-19, 2013
CTUG Conference

Mississauga, ON Canada





September 24-26, 2013
PCI Security Standards Council
North American Community Meeting

Las Vegas, NV, USA






October 29-31, 2013

PCI Security Standards Council European Community Meeting

Nice Acropolis, Nice, France





November 20, 2013

PCI Security Standards Council Asia-Pacific Community Meeting

Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia






September 10, 2013


Arizona, USA





September 23-24, 2013

Westminster, London, GB







September 25-26, 2013


Hotel Steigenberger
Bad Homburg, Germany








November 3-5, 2013

NonStop Technical Boot Camp

San Jose, CA, USA






December 5, 2013


London, United Kingdom










December 10-12, 2013

HP Discover

Barcelona, Spain










High Performance Switching and Secure Data Storage

Third Data Corporation

888-301-2431 / sales@thirddata.com


               Third Data Corporation provides numerous products which can reside on HP Nonstop and other HP and Non-HP  hardware platforms. In addition we provide custom high performance software design and development for our clients.

FastBuild Switch When building a switch be it ATM-POS, Wire Transfer, EFT, Medical, or any other type of data that needs to get from one place to another, you are usually faced with three choices. Take an existing package and modify your system to match it. Get the vendor to “enhance” their system to meet your needs. Write a new system from scratch. The FastBuild Switch integrates with your existing system, or if you are building from scratch gives you a great start. The switch is also built around the latest HP technology to maximize performance. It integrates several of our other products to maximize cost savings and security in a fault tolerant manner. In a cross platform environment it also runs on other non-Guardian HP supplied platforms.

SecureStore If you are security conscience trying to become compliant (PCI, HIPAA, etc) then you know that you can not leave sensitive data readily viewable. SecureStore does three things for you. The data is encrypted so that you can become compliant. The data is compressed so that your hardware costs are reduced. As part of disaster recovery your data is sent to multiple locations so it will be available when you need it. As a bonus for those having trouble with Guardian 4K limits there is no record size. It supports Big Data with up to 18 Exabytes. It can also integrate with SQL systems (SQL MX/MP, Oracle, Postgres etc).

NxLib NxLib provides a platform and utility libraries for developing a high performance multi-threaded applications on NonStop Guardian. The platform provides threading, queuing and network capabilities. This enables development of an application written single threaded style to perform as multi-threaded.   Extensible command processing and help are supported.  Development time can be cut to a fraction of the time it would normally take.  This results in fast  application development with consistent look and feel across multiple projects.

NxWeb A high performance web server which provides support for NxLib applications.  It also can be used without NxLib.  It provides for secure connections, virtual domains, full http support and interfaces to pathway and IPC communications.

NxFile+ NxFile+ provides compression and encryption to Enscribe structured files.  The files are configured through a GUI interface and the results are provided seamlessly to your applications, typically without any code changes.  In addition this provides for dynamic key changes on the fly so data stored at-rest may have its encryption keys changed as required.  Because the records can be compressed prior to encryption, it’s also possible to have records which significantly exceed the 4k record size limitations.

NxSSL NxSSL is an SSL proxy which may be used to provide SSL encryption and authentication services to TCP/IP connections.  It provides full support for certificates and multiple encryption standards.  It has been carefully tuned to provide the highest performance available for any NonStop SSL connection.

NxUndelete Files accidentally deleted can be a real problem.  Even when a backup is available, it is frequently a significant effort to retrieve it from a backup tape.  NxUndelete implements a recycle bin function on the the HP NonStop system.  Files deleted may be easily recovered using its GUI interface.


Change Managment and Control with CSP

A key component of any Change Management System (CMS)  is the detection of unauthorized or unexpected changes to your system.  

The consequences of such changes to files, file attributes, security and access rules, user accounts etc. may be damaging to productivity and potentially lead to serious loss.

Changes may also be part of a deliberate attack on your system, and you may read about the consequences in the national press. Unmanaged change is never a good thing!

CSP’s unique suite of products can put you in control of all changes on your system with:

·        Real time monitoring and alerting

·        File integrity checking

·        Change reporting

Find out how CSP can assist in making Change Management more efficient  on  your NonStop systems  by visiting www.cspsecurity.com 


Red - Green or Deep Dive

Many shops today are run by the red-green approach.  The operators are monitoring a screen with hundreds of tiles, and the color of the tiles indicates the relative health of the system at that time. That’s probably adequate for an operations group covering lots of non-critical systems, but it isn’t adequate for our highly-available, high-dollar transaction systems.

When we’re running 10’s or 100’s of high-value transactions per second, even a one-minute hiccup is expensive.  A real-time screen isn’t the right technology to catch a problem like that.  It certainly isn’t capable of anticipating and avoiding such problems.

That’s why we do deep-dive analysis every time we look at client systems.  We look for every hiccup and then figure out why it occurred.  Did the system run out of memory?  Did an unexpected operator command or batch job drive the disks too busy?  Are the application processes unstable?  Did a queue back up unexpectedly?

Only with this level of detail can we understand how the system is working, how it is supposed to work, where the problems are, and where the problems will be! The Ban Bottlenecks service will help you bring your systems into focus, so you can focus on the future.

One system or hundreds, NonStop, Windows, Unix, VOS.

Meet us at the NonStop Technical Boot Camp in San Jose in November!











HP Breakout Sessions!  The possible/partial/preliminary list:


Multiple Providers on the CLIM

Storage update: Solid State Drives and disk partitioning

NonStop performance update

Open System Services (OSS) and NonStop OS update

Have the best of both worlds!  OSS for Guardian users 

Create a Linux environment in OSS using HP-supported GNU utilities

NonStop SQL/MX 3.0 and beyond: a technical update

SQL/MX 2.x to 3.x migration

Debugging NonStop Native code – a look at the toolbox

NonStop Serviceability and Maintenance Subsystem Security Enhancements released in 2013

Manage NonStop using HP Operations and Performance Management Bundles

Manage NonStop systems using NonStop Essentials and other HP SIM plug-ins

Manage NonStop using HP IT Performance Suite and HP Operations/Performance Agents for NonStop

NonStop security update

Register now!   http://www.connect-community.org/?TBC2013




Please join us at the HP NonStop Advanced Technical Boot Camp!

26 Vendors Exhibiting:



BlackWood Systems

Canam Software

Carr Scott


Crystal Point





Network Technologies






Resource 1

RiverRock Software


Third Data


Transaction Design

Tributary Systems






HP Networking

Example Sessions:

Oracle Achieve Continuous Access to Real-Time Information

ETI-NET BackBox Best Practices (Pre-conference

Call for Papers open:


  • Customers have an opportunity to attend the NonStop Boot Camp free of charge if their submission is selected!

Early Bird Price:

$895:  before 9/1/13

Register now!   http://www.connect-community.org/?TBC2013 

We hope to see you there!

Kathy Wood

NonStop Partner SIG/Vendor Chair






For the last several years BlackWood Systems has been visiting customer sites for the purpose of viewing MOMI in real-world situations.  In exchange for this substantive glimpse, we provide an Education Day and strengthen relationships in our MOMI family.  There’s no substitute for face-to-face interaction in the art of software on a global stage. We NonStop Users have known this for many years!  It is why ITUG was formed, and many people can point to the benefit of RUGs and ITUG conferences that contributed to career advancements and corporate increase. Interactive education is best!

As we prepare for San Jose this November, I’m reminded of the kinship developed between NonStop Users all over the world.  At last year’s TBC, I sat with Ann-Marie in the Pre-Conference class.  When a man announced ‘I am Jesse!’ there was joy in the greeting.  We spent time with friends Paul, Shawn, Bill, Vikas, Alan and Tom (and his lovely wife!)  In the world of NonStop, we all speak the same language.  We share suggestions, feedback, accomplishments and expectations.  We actually see and know those HP technologists in NED who affect our own NonStop situations.  Personal interaction is best!

I look forward to meeting old friends and greeting new ones this November.  I hope you have an opportunity to join us at NonStop Advanced TBC to benefit from, and carry on the tradition established from ITUG over 30 years ago.  BlackWood Systems programmers will be onsite to demonstrate the newest features of MOMI – the Operations Utility and System Performance Monitor that is widely recognized as the superior real-time tool for monitoring, troubleshooting and diagnosing System operations.

MOMI - When Your System Demands Quick Attention...®

Kathy Wood




Availability Digest


It’s Time for More “Never Agains” from the Availability Digest    

Recent issues of the Availability Digest have highlighted some notable system failures and cyber attacks.  To name a few - The stock market crashed when a phony Associated Press tweet claimed that the U.S. president had been wounded in an attack.  Two Middle Eastern banks were robbed of USD $45 million by hackers who compromised the banks’ gift cards.  Spamhaus, a firm that blacklists spam sites, was taken down for days by a massive DDoS attack launched in retribution by one of the blacklisted sites.  These and other incidents included in “More Never Agains IX” emphasize the need for thorough, well-documented, and well-practiced business continuity plans. Our “Never Again” articles are always a popular read; but lurking behind the stories about the misfortunes of others should be the fear that unless your company has covered all its bases, it may wind up as a feature story in some upcoming “Never Again.”

Also in the July Digest:

Mobile Device Threats to Corporate Networks As increasing numbers of employees utilize “Bring Your Own Devices” (BYOD) to access corporate servers and databases from outside company firewalls, so also is there an increased threat that hackers can gain access to a company’s network by infecting employees’ smart phones, tablets, and notebook computers.  Mobile malware is rapidly becoming a greater concern than direct infections of the systems themselves.   

HP Clarifies the Future of OpenVMS Despite previous concerns within the HP community that HP’s robust OpenVMS operating system may be headed for extinction, HP recently released an OpenVMS roadmap that indicates that OpenVMS support will continue for years to come.  Since the late 1970s, OpenVMS clusters and active/active NonStop systems have been the gold standard for applications requiring continuous availability.

Redundant Load Balancing for High AvailabilityLoadBalancer.org offers load balancers that are configured in active/passive pairs with instant failover so that customer-facing services are not interrupted should the active load balancer fail. Learn more about the company in this issue’s Product Review.  

The Availability Digest offers one-day and multi-day seminars on High Availability: Concepts and Practices. Seminars are given both onsite and online and are tailored to an organization’s specific needs.  We also offer technical and marketing writing services as well as consulting services for achieving high availability. 

Published monthly, the Digest is free and lives at www.availabilitydigest.com.  Please visit our Continuous Availability Forum on LinkedIn.  We’re at 557 members and counting. Check out our most recent thread, Is there any comparison of % of continuous availability of various platforms like Tandem, Stratus, MF etc.?”  Follow us on Twitter @availabilitydig. 



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