January 2006 Newsletter Sponsored by   and    


Tandemworld Newsletter for January 2006


BrightStrand is now a technology solutions integrator for the Shadowbase® line of data replication and transformation software.

SIMPLE tested on Integrity NonStop

TapeLabs Implements Business Rules for Virtual TapeServer Disk Utilization

Communications Protocol Conversion FREEWARE for NonStop

ETI-NET Simplifies Tape Encryption – Transparently and Robustly!

HP Certifies EZX Gateway® from ETI-NET

CAIL  Adapter : A Java Library to extend NonStop applications  +  instant HTTP / HTML system access

TSI Extends The LTO Gen3 Tape Product Portfolio

Marshall Resources

Insider Technologies Limited – HP NonStop Code Scanning Tool

Single Sign On - a product from GreenHouse

Crystal Point : NonStop Security + Connectivity Promotion



ITUG User Group News


Online Version

BrightStrand is now a technology solutions integrator for the Shadowbase® line of data replication and transformation software.

One of the many key features of Shadowbase is its ability to perform data replication to open source across heterogeneous platforms. In today’s challenging NonStop world there is an increasing demand to transfer real time data from NonStop based legacy applications to other open systems.

This can now be achieved easily and quickly using Shadowbase supplied by Gravic Inc. BrightStrand’s accreditation as a technology solutions integrator allows BrightStrand to provide first and second line support to Gravic’s customers in Europe. Shadowbase captures changes to NonStop SQL/MP/MX and Enscribe databases from the TMF (NonStop TM/MP) audit trail files through the HP supported audit read routines. The changes captured by the Shadowbase Collector process may be sent immediately via EXPAND or TCP/IP to a Consumer process on a NonStop target system for replication into a NonStop SQL/MP/MX or Enscribe database. Alternatively, these changes may be sent to one or more Consumer processes on the source system for replication over TCP/IP to an open target system. On these systems the user has the option of directly updating the target or queuing changes and applying only committed transactions. Shadowbase for HP NonStop solutions is a highly optimized, very efficient replication tool with sub-second source database to target database latency. Where Shadowbase excels however, is in its flexibility and platform support.

Out-of-the-box, Shadowbase for HP NonStop supports replication to:

• Oracle and Sybase targets on Unix or Linux,

• Oracle, Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server targets on Windows,

• Oracle targets on HP OpenVMS,

• DB2 targets on AS/400 and

• HP NonStop SQL and Enscribe targets on the HP NonStop Server platform.

Additional or custom source databases or data feeds can easily be supported through custom input APIs built into Shadowbase, and additional or custom targets can be supported through user exits. Shadowbase can be configured to replicate entire tables or only subsets of tables – specific columns, rows, or even fields. Some subsets can be replicated to one target with other subsets replicated to other targets simultaneously.

Shadowbase has the flexibility to be configured for uni-directional replication as well as bi-directional, or multi-directional replication. In uni-directional replication, Shadowbase can replicate the source data to one or more target environments, and in this type of configuration, the target is generally read-only (i.e., is not being updated).

Shadowbase can also be configured for bi-directional and multi-directional replication, and supports selective route-thru replication (where all nodes are not directly connected to each other) so that replication environments can be configured to match the users communications topology. Shadowbase utilizes patented technology to perform bi-directional replication. Not to be confused with reciprocal replication (where database A on system 1 is replicated to database A’ on system 2 and database B on system 2 is replicated to database B’ on system 1), bi-directional replication is defined as replication between two or more live databases on the same or different nodes. Multi-directional replication is an extension of bi-directional replication where there are more than two replication environments that are interconnected

If you would like to hear about these product features or see a demonstration please contact :

E-mail shadowbase@gravic.com

Web http://www.gravic.com

SIMPLE tested on Integrity NonStop                  

Do you need to make the management of privileged passwords on your hp NonStop simpler ?

BrightStrand International has developed a NonStop utility to make management of privileged user ids simpler. This utility removes the need for any person other than the one logging onto the sensitive user id to know the password for that user id and allows the security departments of organisations to manage these passwords without knowing any technical details or to have experience on the NonStop Servers.

The SIMPLE utility offers the following key features:

1) Centralised management by security administrator(s) for authorising password requests.

2) A password generator which provides a single use 8 character random alphanumeric password known only to the requestor.

3) Password time lapse and usage control.

4) Automatic timeout if password is not used.

5) Used primarily for privileged Userids/passwords, but not restricted to them.

6) Full audit to include password requests, usage and illegal events.

7) Compatible with Safeguard and all major third party NonStop security products.

8) Certified for HP Integrity NonStop and S-Series Servers

For further details please contact BrightStrand International

Tel:                  +44[0]141 204 4046

Web :              http://www.brightstrand.com/simple.html

E-mail:             simple@brightstrand.com

TapeLabs Implements Business Rules for Virtual TapeServer Disk Utilization

Tape Laboratories announces that Virtual TapeServer systems include a new business rule or policy management feature. Scan / Clean-up, available in release 6.03.31, provides six powerful rules-based parameters for managing Virtual TapeServer disk utilization by:

Migration status. Virtual TapeServer keeps track of whether or not a virtual Cartridge has been migrated to physical tape. The policy engine allows a user to specify whether a copy of the migrated virtual tape should be retained on VTS and for what period of time. Should a restore be required, that cartridge would still be available on disk for a fast restore.

Elapsed time. Virtual cartridges can be retained for a user specified period of time, based on the last time the cartridge was written to. This is specified by Pool attribute.

Frequency of action. Scan / Clean-up includes a scheduler function where the user can specify the frequency that Scan / Clean-up runs. It can be run as frequently as 24 times per day, daily, weekly etc.

Usage thresholds. The business rules engine also allows users to set specific thresholds. For example, the user can specify that Scan / Clean-up run when disk utilization reaches or exceeds 90%, thereby ensuring that storage capacity is freed up and that pending backup jobs have sufficient disk storage space.

Virtual cartridge size. Users can set policy by size of the virtual cartridge. For example, the user may specify that Virtual Cartridges of less than 1G in size do not get reused after the expiration date.

Automation. Scan / Clean-up is fully automated or can be administered interactive so that all actions are validated by the user before they are actioned.

Retention dates for cartridges are set on the HP NonStop server. When the expiration date is reached, the NonStop database marks the cartridge as scratched. Since those cartridges actually reside on disk storage that is managed by Virtual TapeServer, they consume storage space until they are reused. The business management rules in Scan / Clean-up allow the disk storage space to be reclaimed and reused immediately based on the policy preferences set by the user. “It may seem like a very little thing but when Scan / Clean-up does its job, the user may not need to buy additional disk storage space – and that’s a real money savings”, said Allan Ignatin, TapeLabs CTO.

Release 6.03.31 and Scan / Clean-up are available immediately.

For more information, contact TapeLabs at +44 (0) 141 248 4919 or via email at emeasales@tapelabs.com.

More information can be found at http://www.tapelabs.com or by calling +1 310.577.1700.


Communications Protocol Conversion FREEWARE for NonStop

A freeware version of ComNet is now available for download. The software is fully functional and will never expire.
ComNet is a communications protocol converter which runs on the NonStop Guardian platform.
ComNet will provide any-to-any protocol conversion for: Async, Bisync, SNA including LU6.2, TCP/IP and X.25.
Some of ComNet's applications:
- Eliminate SWANs
- Instantly TCP/IP-enable a legacy Application with NO code changes
- Communications server (use simple WRITE and READ calls, and ComNet will perform all protocol handling for any protocol)
- Communications loopback in software (eliminate modem-eliminators!)
- Save money by replacing expensive and cumbersome protocol handlers
- Increase reliability with ComNet's automatic backup connection handling.
For more information or to download ComNet please visit our website at www.comnetnonstop.com


ETI-NET Simplifies Tape Encryption – Transparently and Robustly!

The financial, legal and public relations impact of unauthorized access to or theft of a company’s magnetic tapes that contain personal information is huge. The potential impact on an individual whose identify has been stolen is devastating. According to industry specialist IDC, tapes that cross the boundary from company-controlled space to off-site storage are at higher risk of theft or loss. Hence encryption of such removable media is becoming a requirement for virtually all organizations.

Storage of backup data on virtual tape disk subsystems, such as ETI-NET’s BackBox, does add any significant risk of exposure of the data. But once the data leaves the facility, either electronically on network links or physically on tape media it is vulnerable to loss or exposure. Encryption of the virtual tape images can be used to protect their contents during transit and off-site storage. But to be effective, the encryption must be performed under a robust key management scheme that permits retrieval of the content well into the future, and by only authorized personnel.

Rather than attempt to invent a new encryption and key management architecture, ETI-NET’s approach enables organizations to use existing encryption features of corporate storage management systems. As examples, Tivoli Storage Manager and Veritas NetBackup both provide robust key management and file-level encryption of backup and archive tapes, and ETI-NET BackBox tightly integrates with either.

With ETI-NET’s BackBox, HP NonStop systems can utilize proven security products to protect NonStop tapes and at the same time conform to the organization’s corporate encryption requirements and policies.

For more information, contact ETI-NET at information@etinet.com .

HP Certifies EZX Gateway® from ETI-NET

ETI-NET is pleased to announce that HP has certified the EZX Gateway® product for HP Integrity NonStop TM systems. EZX Gateway provides a high-performance, easy-to-implement solution for moving large volumes of data to and from IBM Mainframes, UNIX, Linux, and Windows servers.

EZX Gateway extends the data-sharing functionality of HP StorageWorks Disk Arrays. By exploiting the disk array as a shared repository for the cross-platform data, EZX Gateway presents an end-to-end transfer environment that affords new levels of performance and application design flexibility.

SAN-Based cross-platform file-sharing technology is replacing traditional TCP/IP and SNA solutions. The EZX approach solves issues like overloaded corporate LANs and high TCP/IP processing overhead in both NonStop and Mainframe systems. EZX Gateway can support extreme real-world transfer rates of 400 MB/sec or more - while reducing transfer times five to tenfold.

For more information, contact ETI-NET at information@etinet.com

CAIL  Adapter :

A Java Library to extend NonStop applications  +  instant HTTP / HTML system access

The CAIL Adapter provides a  "library"  to enable Java programs to access SCOBOL /  6530 sessions.  

As well, you can instantly have Web Browsers  displaying SCOBOL / 6530 Telnet in HTML or XML via HTTP or HTTPS.   

Session logs can be maintained for compliance.   A

s a result, the CAIL Adapter enables you to access and leverage current Host applications and the associated transactions (reusing existing data and business logic) on any development platform.   

For more information, please visit  www.cail.com/wsintro   or   info@cail.com.

TSI Extends The LTO Gen3 Tape Product Portfolio

Tributary Systems Inc. (TSI) announces the availability of a new LTO Gen3 FC tape drive to address the needs of entry-level tape on the Integrity NonStop server.

With direct FC attachment, it is provided in a manually operated tabletop configuration.

This new product significantly lowers the price of entry-level tape for the server while greatly increasing its performance and capacity to that of the LTO Gen3 technology.

For additional information on this new product or other products available from TSI, contact Larry Meyers, TSI, at +1 (817) 354 8009, ext. 32, or email TSI at salesusa@tributary.com

Marshall Resources

We can keep your Tandem HP NonStop S-Series Server running strong. From cabinets to cables, our warehouse is fully stocked with Tandem HP equipment, and we are always available to discuss your current or future Tandem hardware requirements. Maybe you are ready to upgrade your whole system, or possibly it’s time to add some faster disk drives. Either way, Marshall Resources is ready to assist you with all your Tandem hardware needs.

At Marshall Resources, we strive to provide the highest quality service with the highest quality equipment. Our repeat customers are our greatest compliment.

Please visit our website at www.marshallresources.com for our company information, and find a sales representative in your area to assist you. We can always be reached at 800-443-0128, or by e-mail. We are looking forward to working with you.

Insider Technologies Limited – HP NonStop Code Scanning Tool

ITL's Code Scanning tool has been created to alleviate some of the risk and effort when preparing your software for a change in operating system / platform.

Migrating legacy software to a later operating system can be problematic due to the amount of effort required in checking all of your source code for redundant procedure calls, along with the lack of skilled staff and the likelihood of human error due to the monotonous nature of the task.

A re-compilation using later compilers could be high-risk, as not all potential issues will be identified! Therefore, programs are often left vulnerable to Run-Time Trap errors if they arte merely re-compiled.

ITL’s Code Scanning tool can scan an entire application for any problems far more quickly than even the most highly trained members of staff, as it will be fast, accurate and operates with no distractions, thereby ensuring that any compliance issues will not be overlooked.

The Code Scanning tool can create reports, detailing all potential problems in an application’s source code. These reports can then be distributed across a team, helping to accelerate the source code amendments.

The benefits of using ITL’s Code Scanning tool as part of your migration exercise, will be reduced costs, reduced effort and reduced risk to the migration of your critical applications.

Compliance checks for D-Series, G-Series and Itanium Operating Systems

Scan all (or selected) source code in one pass

Identify redundant procedure calls

Reduce costs in time and effort

Evaluation and full versions available. Optionally, ITL can analyse your code in-house or off-site and provide a detailed customer report

For further information, please contact Insider Technologies at

Support@insidertech.co.uk, or via +44 (0) 161 876 6606. Website: www.insidertech.co.uk


Single Sign On - a product from GreenHouse

The MyLogon ShareWare from GreenHouse became enhanced and is a product now. 

Changes were made to optimize its performance, and to add full audit capabilities: Session starts, as well as session ends, are recorded in a log file, which easily can be evaluated.

MyLogin works best with comForte’s Win6530 terminal emulator: Opening a Win6530 window causes MyLogin to automatically start a predefined resources, which is logged on to a predefined ID. The  ID to be used is derived from the PC, on which Win6530 is running.

While Win6530 users do NOT need to logon at all, OutsideView users have to logon to the first window, before subsequent windows are automatically logged on. 

For details, please contact: Info@GreenHouse.de

Carl Weber
GreenHouse Software & Consulting


Crystal Point

NonStop Security + Connectivity Promotion

Keeping your NonStop investment safe while saving on our current product offerings.

Purchase the NSSL product that best suits your requirements and also upgrade your OutsideView to 7.3 at 50% off*

Secure Telnet – Secure telnet communications between your NonStop and SSL-capable clients

Secure FTP – Secure file transfers between your NonStop and SSL-capable FTP servers or clients

Middleware – Secure SSL proxy for TCP/IP servers, clients (RSC) or ODBC

Expand – SSL tunnel to secure EXPAND over IP networks

MQ-Series – Client or server proxy to secure communications between NonSTop MQ 5.1 and remote MQ 5.3

With your purchase of NSSL also receive a 50% Discount off your first year NSSL Star Support

Start saving today! Contact us at sales@crystalpoint.com

*This offer is valid through April 30th 2006





HSM based projects using bespoke cryptographic firmware are difficult to develop & test because:

Quality requires transparency BUT Host Security Modules require secrecy

Transparency means it is possible to visibly demonstrate every step of the process.

It is possible to solve this dilemma if we realize that HSM usage can be divided into two phases:

Research and Development (Transparent) – Production (Secret)

This can be achieved if we implement the following usage scenario:

HSM Emulator for Research and Development AND the real HSM for Production

CATS is a Cryptographically enabled HSM Emulator for HP NonStop Computers


QUALITY 1. HSM Specification is verifiably correct since iterative development is possible
2. HSM can be thoroughly tested by parallel running with the Emulator

SPEED 1. Application code can be tested as soon as it is written
2. HSM specification is 100% correct first time, no misunderstandings no delays
3. HSM firmware coding is normally in C, the emulator code is in C.
There is virtually no effort for the firmware developers, so faster turnaround.
4. HSM Test is very fast because it can be fully automated.

SECURITY 1. HSMs are not available to the test teams, so no master keys compromised.
2. You know that it will be right first time because you can prototype

Your product is cheaper and earlier to market giving you sooner ROI.


Emulation of a variety of HSM and Firmware, this can be switched by console command.

Range of Standard Host and Console Commands available

Bespoke commands can be implemented in days

Host Interfaces. Multithreaded IP (TCP & UDP) and $RECEIVE available

Loadable Master Key and HSM Configuration Files

Large Cryptographic Library

Full Cryptographic Trace available as standard, with tools for real time capture.

Console Terminal Emulator Programs for: UDP/IP and $RECEIVE.

Host Command Scripted Driver Programs for: TCP/IP and $RECEIVE


Ross Systems International Limited is an HP NonStop DSPP Partner and BITUG member with 25 years of NonStop Experience in Communications, Security and other Systems solutions.

Address: The Hollies, 18 New Road, Mistley, Manningtree, Essex CO11 2AG, UK
Telephone: (44)1206-392923 e-Mail: rsi@dial.pipex.com

ITUG User Groups

ITUG Europe 2006
15-17 May 2006
Amsterdam RAI International Exhibition & Congress Centre
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Call for Speakers is now live. Accelerate your HP NonStop career by presenting at ITUG Europe 2006.

Submit your abstract by 2 December 2005. All selected user presentations will be awarded one complimentary user registration.
Register for ITUG Europe 2006 by
31 December 2005 and save!


15 March 2006 Sarbanes Oxley SIG
3 April 2006 BITUG Golf Day - Manchester
4 April 2006 BITUG Roadshow Day 1 - Manchester
6 April 2006 BITUG Roadshow Day 2 - London
12 July 2006 Solutions/Middleware SIG
13 September 2006 OSS + SQL/MX SIG
16 November 2006 Education Day - tba
29 November 2006 S-Series to Itanium SIG, ITUG Announcements & BITUG AGM




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